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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Only Me

So last night was the trigger shots and the baby making began!

And this is what happens to me...

Something this absolutely ridiculous would only happen to me!!

Sarah Q


  1. I think this may be one of my favorite pictures ever! :)

  2. Some kind of muscle got pulled in my neck and shoulder during sexy time! I don't know what it is but it really freaking hurts... can't turn my head or lift my arms...

  3. At least you can tell people you have such an adventurous sex life with your husband, that sometimes injuries happen.

  4. LOL, I was going to say...I'm not sure what happened there, but you look cute despite the pout! Wishing you luck with this cycle - I'll keep my fingers crossed!


  5. Hi, visiting from ICLW. Good luck, here's hoping this is your month (and then you can make this the first pic of the baby book!).

  6. Fingers crossed for you! Happy Baby making! Despite the pain in your neck! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Happy ICLW! (#72 & 106)

  7. LOL @Kerrik ...

    Fingers crossed that this neck pain is all for something good!!! LOL


  8. That is crazy that you pulled a neck and shoulder muscle while making a baby! Wow! I hope you feel better soon, and I hope that despite your injury, the baby was made. Best wishes!


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