It is cycle day 5 today and I am on day 3 of femara and I did my first follistim injection tonight. The injection itself was not a big deal at all. It was a pen and a very small needle. The emotions of taking it to the next level and what these injections mean... Overwhelming and exciting.
I can feel the hope surging again. I am getting really excited about this cycle. And that scares me. I want to be hopeful and happy but I know that the more hopeful I get the harder I will fall if this cycle doesn't work.
But I still found myself longingly wandering through the baby section at Target. I am so so ready.
In other news, I went to my first Resolve support group meeting on Tuesday. I was so incredibly nervous walking in all by myself but once it started and I started hearing the stories, I relaxed. The things these women have gone through... let me just say they are amazingly strong women.
I felt almost guilty being there because my struggles are so much less than what so many of these women have gone through. I just felt like my journey has been so much less challenging than the other couples there.
The most exciting thing to me is I got a chance to talk to the leader of the group after the meeting about volunteer opportunities with Resolve. I am so excited to get involved!
I encourage everyone to seek out a support group in their area by going here on the Resolve website.
I am planning on doing some weekly baking posts but I haven't gotten around to it just yet. But stay tuned... they are coming eventually.
Wednesday is my next appointment with more femara and injections in between now and then. I am hoping for multiple follicles to heighten our chances this cycle. But we will have to wait and see what happens.
Until then I say a little prayer.

I'll be saying a prayer for you too. We are on the same CD as well! :) Hoping & praying that this is it for both of us!