My best friend had the most adorable baby... My Nephew, Jaxson! :)

My husband moved to Phoenix and we lived apart for three months. He left me with the job of packing...

I finally made it to Phoenix and moved into our gorgeous house!

We love living in Phoenix and have done alot of exploring around the state... We've gone to Sedona, Flagstaff and had one memorable weekend camping in the mountains.

We had our first Holiday Season on our own. Thanksgiving was hard for me and I spent a portion of the day crying because I missed my family so much but it ended well and we made one hell of Thanksgiving Dinner! :) My husband is an amazing cook and grilling master.
Our favorite time of year is the Holidays. We started dating in November so when we were first getting to know each other we spent our first Holiday season together and we have so many great memories. We are at our absolute best with our Holiday decorations up and the day after Thanksgiving is our decorating day and we have so much fun!
Even my fur babies get in on the action! ha ha ha.

Even with all the uncertainty and difficult medical news its been quite the year. And I would have to say that I wouldn't change any of it. There were alot of hard times but I really learned to lean on my husband and laugh through all the uncertainty. It just cemented the fact that we will always be there for the other and we can get through anything together.
2010 (man its so wierd it's 2010!) will probably hold more surprises than I can even imagine... I am excited to see what it holds for us. If there isn't a baby in 2010 then I still have more than alot of people and I am working on being thankful for that instead of constantly wishing for what I don't. So, bring it on 2010! But I would ask that you be gentle! :)
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