I know, I know. It's been awhile since I blogged. Life has been a bit of a rollercoaster this last month!! BUT we are in Orlando!! We still haven't found a place to live so we are staying in a hotel until we find a house or an apartment. We're roughing it a bit but it's so nice to have the packing and the driving part done at least.
Now on to the fun stuff!!!! I went to my new clinic today and if it's even possible I love it even more than the one in Phoenix!! My Doctor is AMAZING. He had so many good things to say and his credentials are so impressive. From here on out he will be Dr. Baby.
The office visit was so great and all the staff was wonderful and so thorough. One of the things that Dr. Baby suggested was putting me on some injectible meds usually used for diabetics that can help PCOS patients lose weight. He wants me to take a TTC break and do these injectibles for a few months and lose weight. He uses this method with almost all his PCOS patients and has seen amazing results. Overall, if I lose weight I will feel better, improve my PCOS symptoms, have a lower risk of miscarriage, and an easier pregnancy. I think that's worth a 3 month wait for a baby making cycle.
He also gave me a very simple, easy to follow diet specifically designed for PCOS that will help my body process foods in a different way. I am so excited!
I, of course, need to talk it all over with my husband tonight but I think my mind is pretty well made up on this one.
If I lose weight I hope that
1. I can improve or even cure my PCOS
2. I may be able to get pregnant without ovulation induction (aka ON MY OWN, PEOPLE!)
3. I will have a healthy pregnancy and baby at the end of all of this.
I feel like there are so many more options and doors open for me that I never knew about before! I am truly excited!
I'm not even minding having to stick myself with needles for the next few months!!!